News / Press

October 2008

As usual I am a couple of months behind with what has been happening, it is now catch up time, and I think that this will be from when we left the just wonderful La Jeuss gathering up in sunny Dunoon Scotland. Sadly Dan, Iris, Angie and I had to leave on the Sunday, but [...]


February 2008

Sadly Danni and I have to announce that the courses at La Jeusseliniere will now no longer take place. We had hoped that John and Yvonne Hart, who had expressed an interest in buying La Jeuss, would be able to continue with the courses, but this is not to be. We will always remember the [...]


November 2007

A busy year as usual as I sit here in November thinking back over these past few months or so. The summer was spent with our courses at La Jeuss in France which were as usual just wonderful but the time has come for us to sell and as I have outlined on the La Jeuss [...]


June 2007

It is now June 2007, and we have a lovely new grand-daughter Lucy born on April 16th to our youngest daughter Jess, a little sister for Harriet, Tom, and Amelia. Our eldest daughter Lucy is doing really well with her book 'The No Gym Workout', visit her on


February 2006

I am really well now and looking forward to the summer at La Jeusseliniere, and the pleasure of catching up with old friends and meeting new ones as well. Danni


November 2005

Many thanks for everyone's cards, flowers, kind messages after my wife Danni's recent heart attack. She is doing well, she is on bed rest back in Farnham, under the family's watchful eye, headed by our daughters Jess and Lucy, and backed up by by Jess's husband Jonny and the three grandchildren, Harriet, Tom and Amelia. [...]


October 2005

We had several trips back to England between and during our folk music courses in France at La Jeusseliniere We  have a terrific line-up of tutors for The La Jeusseliniere Experience 2006. We start in May with Iris Bishop and myself, then  Eric Bogle & John Munro, Bill Whaley & Dave Fletcher, Mike Silver, Kevin [...]


July 2005

Well back at the start of this year 2005, I made a ‘New Years’ resolution to keep this website up-dated and here I am in the middle of July with an update of events of this year so far!!!! At this moment of updating we are in France at La Jeusseliniere having just finished John [...]

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