Where Silence Reigns

These descriptive words for the Great Australian Outback were written by W.A.Woods ( 1861 – 1939) the pseudo name of John Drayman, and we have attached a short quote of his early life. I will add that a few years ago we had an e-mail from his relatives to say that they had heard that his poem had been set to music. Originally it is a much longer poem and I found it published in the ‘Australian Bush Ballads’ by Stewart and Keesing first published in 1955 and  well worth a good look at. I have taken bits out of the verses and hopefully maintained the essence of the poem with the atmosphere of the Great Outback. When ever I feel a longing for the Australian Outback, I sing this song to myself to transport me back there and thereby save a great deal on an airfare.

As a young man, he travelled through the Riverina, New South Wales, searching for work as a shearer, an experience which he commemorated in verse using the pseudonym ‘John Drayman’.


Words  W.A. Woods [ John Drayman } Tune M.Wyndham-Read             


Outback where silence reigns on those great grey Western Plains 

The sunlit plains of Clancy’s where it seldom ever rains 

Where the traveler ’s  always thirsty and the water never near 

And the creaking of the saddle is the only sound you hear. 

Where the quart pot doesn’t rattle and the stirrup doesn’t clink

And the emu stalks in freedom and it’s far too hot to think

Where the tracks are dry and dusty and the air is seldom clear 

The creaking of the saddle is the only sound you hear. 

Where the fences reach to sundown and are mostly made of wire 

And the sun goes down each evening like a glowing ball of fire

Where the water bag is empty and the tucker dry and drear 

The creaking of the saddle is the only sound you hear. 

In shades of gidgee bushes lies a great red kangaroo

Asleep in the noon day sunshine while a doleful looking crow 

With a voiceless gape salutes us as we come and disappear 

And the creaking of the saddle is the only sound you hear. 

In sultry shades of silence bounded by a shimmering sky 

Makes a man feel very lonely very small and very dry

I would cry in desolation but I cannot shed a tear 

And the creaking of the saddle is the only sound you hear.