These are my Dreams by Stan Graham

This is my escape from it all song, I’m definitely a dreamer.

When I was young I always wanted an adventure, no matter where it takes you.

That’s why I joined the Army. Stan 

Information about the La jesus Reunion from Stan

These are my Dreams by Stan Graham

This song brings back wonderful times in France at La Jeusseliniere where we ran music workshops. During that time we hosted many great singers and songwriters, musicians, Stan being one of them. We had the joy of singing,making music, songwriting and becoming  lifelong friends. After leaving France we continued our musical gatherings with an annual La Jeuss Reunion. This year would have been our 17th such event and would have been held at Halsway Manor in Somerset. Unfortunately, like so many events we have to postpone it until 2022. So I would like to dedicate this song to all our La Jeuss friends,past,present and future and hope that we shall all meet again at Halsway Manor on the 9th May 2022.  Martyn

THESE ARE MY DREAMS     By Stan Graham.   

As young boy I dreamed my life away 

Counted all the tall ships that sailed to far Bombay

Saddled up my pony and went to search for gold 

Fought against the wind and rain and pirate ships of old

Dreamed of gypsies of vagabonds and kings 

David and Goliath and stones to throw in slings 

Hunted with Geronimo and all his Indian braves 

Slew the lion in his den and freed the world from slaves.


These are my dreams my shelter from life’s storm 

They walk beside me and at night they keep me warm

These are my dreams they help me through the day 

And come the night I dream my life away. 

As a young man I tried to reach the stars 

Flew across the universe past Jupiter and Mars

Walked across the Andes and when I reached Peru 

Sailed across a frozen sea with Scott and all his crew. 


The hands of time now knock upon my door 

I’m just a dreamer who knows what dreams are for 

Tinker or tailor a soldier from lost wars 

Who needs to dream from now and ever more.
