Lapwings Feather

Graeme was adamant that the word TRET was used in the chorus as this is the past tense for the word TREATED as used in the North East.   Martyn


Summers passed into the Winter the tired old sun is late to rise 

Frosty etchings on my window the streams lie silent under the ice 

The fields are stark the sky is clouded hard the clay beneath my feet 

The fields with rook and crow are crowded the year is almost over. 

Your Spring was sweet your Spring was gentle the winds of March and April rains

Soothed my brow in times of trouble and I was boyish once again

I gave my love a Lapwings Feather and she kissed me in return 

Down by the burn we’d walk together now the year was youthful.

Came the Summer such a Summer love filled days and loved filled nights

Speckled shadows among the willow every hour new delights

And oh what joy when I was with her arm in arm and hand In hand

But golden days dull into sliver and now the year was ageing.


Good bye old year your’e now behind me you go your way I’ll go mine 

But all in all you tret me decent you bought me love ‘though just for awhile.

Came the Autumn sad sad Autumn cold mists hung above the corn

In my heart a chill came creeping a warning of the coming storm 

And oh what loving I did give her but then she turned and went her way

And as the leaves began to wither I knew the year was over. 

Then December bleak December at my door the swirling squall

Flickering flames and dying embers shadows dancing on the wall

In my mind I hear her laughter faint upon the dying wind 

I think on her my heart beats faster and now the year was passed and gone


Good bye old year your’e now behind me youv’e gone your way I’ll go mine

But all in all you tret me decent you bought me love but just for awhile.