An appropriate song for this time of year as it was on May 5th 1865 that Ben Hall was ambushed and shot by the traps { police } at 5 o’clock in the morning. Ben Hall was one of the best known Bushrangers of that time in Australia. He was popular and many mourned his death. Sally Sloane’s wonderful songs and music were collected by the great song collector John Meredith and are available through the National Library of Australia in Canberra.
The Death of Ben Hall from the singing of Sally Sloane.
Come all you young Australians and hear what did befall
Concerning of a hero bold whose name it was Ben Hall
An outcast of society he was forced to take the road
Along as how his faithless wife road out from his abode.
The traps pursued him like a dog through every hill and dale
Until he turned to face the foe and made them all turn tail
No petty mean nor pilfering act would bold Ben Hall endure
But robbed the rich and hearty man and scorned to rob the poor.
One night as he lay hiding all on the Lachlan Plain
The troopers all surrounded him his courage was in vain
And as he raised to ease himself no knowing who was by
Without a word of warning the bullets fast did fly.
With thirty wounds they riddled him as ‘though they were afraid
And in his dying moments he breathed curse on their heads
And cowardly hearted Condell the sergeant of police
Crept up and fired with famous glee which gave him his release.
Throughout Australia’s sunny clime Ben Hall will range no more
His fame is spread both far and near to every distant shore
And generations after this to their children will recall
The daring deeds committed by the dauntless Bold Ben Hall.