The Best of Autumn by Mike O’Connor

This song comes from the pen and voice of Mike O’Connor and was inspired when he and Tina were walking along the South Hampshire hills. The images within the song are as they saw them with the Best of Autumn colours and sights. The Best of Autumn is such a pivotal song that we use in our Maypoles to Mistletoe production around the Christmas time and is eagerly sung along with us by the audience. An inspiring song by an inspiring writer. Martyn.

The Best of Autumn by Mike O’Connor

The sunlight blazing on the trees in flames of red and gold

The leafy carpet underfoot as crisp as nights are cold

The stubble field new put to plough the hedgerow growing thin 

They mark the turning of the year the harvest gathered in.

These are The Best of Autumn these are The Best of Autumn.

The coals new burning in the fire the dusty damper down 

The firelight glinting on each glass of amber and of brown

The voices raised in songs of praise the tales of trust retold 

They mark the turning of the year the seasons round us rolled.

These are The Best of Autumn these are The Best of Autumn.

And as the silent stars survey the sleeping hills around

The frosty moon casts shadows laced with silver on the ground

And deep within the earth itself the land it’s strength renews 

To bring to each and everyone the gifts none can refuse.

These are The Best of Autumn these are The Best of Autumn.

The seven stars are in the sky the wind is to the west 

The weary ploughman’s to his bed the hawk is to his nest

And all along the rolling Downs the clouds like hunters ride 

The winter days will not be long our joy we can not hide .

These are The Best of Autumn these are The Best of Autumn

These are The Best of Autumn These are The Best of Autumn