Sailor Home from the Sea by Dorothy Hewett.

This was originally a poem written by the great author, protester, playwright and wonderful lady Dorothy Hewett in the early 1960’s when she and Merv Lilley were living in Perth Western Australia. At that time Merv was a mercantile seaman and traveling up and around the north western coast of Australia. The poem was written as a welcome home to Merv from one of his voyages and was the very first tune that I had ever written. I was lucky to have known them both  and saw them for the last time when they had moved across to the Blue Mountains in New South Wales. Martyn

Sailor Home from The Sea      (Cock of the North) 

Words by Dorothy Hewett    tune by Martyn Wyndham-Read

Oh cock of the north with a dream in his hand 

My love has come home to this beautiful land 

He bursts through the door with his eyes like the sun 

And his kit bag crammed full with the treasures he’s won.

A coral from Broome and a tall Darwin tale 

A pearl and a clam and the jaws of a whale 

My kitchen is full with the smell of the sea 

And the leaping green fishes my love brings to me. 

Oh tumble your treasures from Darwin and Broome 

And fill with your glory this straight little room 

With the sun of the morning ablaze on his chest 

My love has come home from the north of north west. 

And deep in our bed we will lie and we’ll be 

We’ll kiss and we’ll listen to the rain on the sea

Warm as the summer we’ve lived winter long 

My love has come home like King Solomon’s song.