I will start by wishing you all a very New Happy, Healthy and Peaceful Year and that is from all of us to all of you. 

Back to the Songs From The Settle and once again a Graeme Miles song with nostalgia for days gone by and as days go by those days are locked into our memory and long may they last. Good luck to you all. Martyn


We lived over yonder banks where the tall cranes touch the sky

By the railway siding yard where the terrace houses lie 

And we used to live at twenty four or was it twenty six 

T’was such a long long time ago I don’t remember which 

We lived over yonder banks over there. 

We played tag on yonder tip when the Watchman was away 

Up and down we used to run oh a hundred times a day 

And when the ship yard siren blew we’d chase each other home 

But that was quite some time ago some thirty years or so

We lived over yonder banks over there. 

Well I’m at the station now waiting for the evening train

Wondering if by some small chance I may pass this way again

“Though I left the town when I was young oh deep inside I know 

A little still remains with me wherever I may go 

We lived over yonder banks over there.