Our Jack

I must point out this song is not about our grandson Jack!!!

Our Jack’s come home today is an Australian song collected by Joy Durst and Ron Edwards in Victoria. Whenever I am in the company of the Wonderful Wilson Family it brings me great joy to sing this with them, as it did with the late Danny Spooner whenever I was in Australia.     Martyn



Our Jack’s come out of jail today to Pentridge he has been 

For many the day he’s been away his face we ne’er have seen 

McManname arrested Jack and with a gentle jerk 

Pounced upon our old friend Jack with jemmy hard at work.


Our Jack’s come home today our Jack’s come home today

Quite wan and pale from out of jail our Jack’s come home today.

When Jack came out of jail today it made his Polly glad

She had to pawn the things he shook and found that she’d been had 

The price she got it weren’t enough to keep her for a day

But all is past she’s right at last our Jack’s come home today. 


When Jack came out of quad today we had a jovial spree

And did a tour of Melbourne pubs as jovial as could be 

When evening time it came around we started out ad lib 

When Jack proposed a partnership to crack another crib.


With jemmies and with skeleton keys of cribs we went in search

But seeing Dave O’Donnel there we left Jack in the lurch 

Undaunted Jack he set to work another crib to crack

O’Donnel like a ton of bricks came down to lumber Jack. 


Our Jack’s gone back today our Jack’s gone back today

Quite wan and pale from out of jail our Jack’s gone back today.