Graeme Miles, from the North East of England, wrote this song, My Eldorado in circa or about 1959. It contains the most vivid images,especially in verse three, and each time I sing it these images come to life. I believe that the third verse is one of the ‘finest verses’ ever written. I can almost guarantee that you will hear a Graeme Miles song sung in a folk club during the evening.On a tour of America quite a few years ago,arranged by my agent at that time Mike Dinsmore, he sorted out a booking in a small country town in the state of Kansas,called Eldorado. They did not have a folk club as such but were happy to put on a concert,and I was happy as I could then find My Eldorado.

I finished the concert with the song and I was presented with the town flag which is now a family treasure. 

Robin Dale and the wonderful Wilson Family have been singing Graeme’s songs for many years and Annie Miles has kept the archive of Graeme’s songs as a legacy for Graeme, enough said.


My Eldorado   Written by Graeme Miles.

I had my hopes as we all have hopes 

All for what I’d be and for what I’d do

But as my hopes soon bloomed and faded 

So all my dreams they vanished too.


I never found my El Dorado 

Never walked down silver sands 

Never saw those Gold Pagodas 

Nor held a sunrise in my hand 

But I just dream and dream and dream 

And I just dream and dream and dream.

I was just a kid just a mucky kid 

And I held the world in my grubby hands

But then the world just turned to water 

And ran through my fingers onto the sand.


The terraced streets were my Grand Canyon 

The ship yard cranes were my red wood trees

The steel works tips were my mountain ranges 

And the brick yard ponds were my seven seas.


The public bar was full of sailors 

They laughed they sang they told their tales

But I soon found the darkest corner 

Put down my glass then walked away


I never found my El Dorado

Never walked down silver sands

Never saw those Gold Pagodas 

Nor held a sunrise in my hand

But I just dream and dream and dream 

And I just dream and dream and dream

And I just dream another dream.