Drift from the Land by Graeme Miles
As with so many songs that have been written by the late but very great Graeme Miles they are still relevant today as they were when they were written some sixty and more years ago. Agriculture is such an important aspect of country life and with some of the modern machinery the traditional ways of the farm labourer are slowly vanishing. As Graeme says “You can’t blame the young” for moving into the seductive towns but there are some who have inherited the love of the land and not the Drift from the Land. Martyn
Drift From The Land. By Graeme Miles.
All the young fellas have gone to the factory
To learn their new trade making iron and steel
When they pick up their wages they’ll wonder however
They managed on the money they made in the field.
All the young fellas have gone to the city
All the young fellas have gone to the town
Where they’ll be earning nearly double the money
They ever earned at the harrow and plough.
Down in the valley the sound of a tractor
Young Johnny Dickenson sits at the wheel
But this time next week he’ll be in some hot foundry
Casting the iron and rolling the steel.
Down by the hedgerow Billy Dowson is working
The blade from his sickle glints in the bright sun
But in less than an hour he’ll pack up his gear
And his last day of working the land will be done.
Well you can’t blame the young uns for throwing the towel in
They’ll be much better of making iron and steel
But the drift from the land it will always continue
Till the money gets better for the men in the field.