Our Andy’s Gone with Cattle Now is yet another one of Henry Lawson’s poems put to music. I have known this one for many years and over this time my memory will not reveal who wrote the tune and put it to music for all of our benefits. Both Danni and I have been hit by the damned coronavirus but are now pushing our way out of it and we thank you all for your kind wishes. I know that my text varies from Lawson’s original but that is the “ Folk Process “.

Andy’s Gone

Andy’s Gone With Cattle (Henry Lawson)

Our Andy’s gone with cattle now

Our hearts are out of order

With drought he’s gone to battle now

Across the Queensland border

He’s left us in dejection now

Our thoughts with him are roving

It’s dull on this selection, now

Since Andy’s went to droving

Who now shall wear the cheerful face

In times when things are blackest?

And who shall whistle round the place

When fortune frowns her blackest?

And who shall cheat the squatter now

When he comes round us snarling?

His tongue is growing hotter now

Since Andy crossed the Darling

Oh may the rain in torrents flow

And all the tanks run over

And may the grass grow green and tall

In the pathways of the drover

And may good angels send the rain

In desert pastures sandy

And when the summer comes again

God grant it brings us Andy.

Written by Henry Lawson

Sung by Martyn Wyndham-Read